To Create, Modify or Delete a Basic Entitlement

  1. If you are not already in the Basic Entitlements interaction, click on Basic Entitlements in the ClearTrust SecureControl Manager Web UI top menu to open the Basic Entitlements interaction:
  2. Select the entity for which you want to define a Basic Entitlement - Users, Groups, or Realms - by clicking on either the Users , Groups or Realms button at the center top of the window. A Selection dialog will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Use button next to the name of the User , Group or Realm to which you wish to add Entitlements (or click on Cancel to return to the Basic Entitlements interaction without making a selection).
  4. Once you have selected a User, Group or Realm, the Basic Entitlements interaction will be displayed again with the selected User, Group or Realm specified. If the User, Group or Realm already has Basic Entitlements defined, these will be listed.

  5. Click on the Applications button to specify an Application to protect or allow. The Select an Application interaction will be displayed.
  6. To select an Application from the list, click on the Use button next to the Application name. The Basic Entitlements interaction will now be displayed again, and the Functions which are part of the selected Application will be listed.

Once a User, Group or Realm is selected and Applications are displayed, there are three ways in which the Basic Entitlements for the User, Group or Realm can be modified