Meta info: In this outline, large caps (A,B,C etc) denote a major
page type (different design, different presentation). Page types may
have different instantiations (A1, A2, etc). Roman numbers (I, II,
etc.) denote different functional areas on a page. Small letters
(a,b,c) denote individual controls in a functional area. Numbers
(1,2,3) denote interaction steps. Small roman numbers (i,ii,iii)
denote implementation comments.
General Strategy
There are four levels of page:
- Top Level
- Contains entree to all functions (lookup, search,
- Actions within a functionality can be totally user-defined
(type in search terms and click context button, etc.)
- Some actions may also be partially pre-defined
(click on news topic to get a search results page for that
topic, direct access to "top stories".)
Top level is actually six pages, presenting the same layout and
functionality with different activism contexts. Navigation between
contexts is orthogonal to all other functions. ("Trunk Node")
- Results Level
- Shows results of a function/action
(search results, etc.), includes banner ad and
other information generated by keywords in action (search for
"kitchen" pops up ad for cookbooks, etc.) Replaces
existing contents of browser window. Primary navigation by
expanding trees and clicking on a specific link, "next results
page" button. ("Branch Node")
- Content Level
- Shows contents of clicked-on link (news story,
other website, catalog page, etc.) Opens in new browser
window. Primary navigation by scrolling. ("Leaf Node")
- Help Level
- Shows additional site/interaction information on
demand, when help button is clicked (how to search, who we
are). Opens in new, smaller window. Includes button to dismiss
the window.