Colored text is working comments
Lobby Screen
Info displayed
All tables/Active tables/Available tables (navigation tbd)
[“available” = active+open seats - should be
is there ever a time we would want to show
only empty tables? This needs more work –
do use cases. Spawn tables on demand? (Real world uses a card room manager).
Should always have standard tables available, maybe interest list for obscure
tables – but might cannibalize other tables. Bonus pts for originating table?
Table name
How many seated (out of total allowed)
Total hours up not necessary in list view
Average Pot size not necessary in list view
Play/real money
If house
What game/game mix
If hosted:
Public/private (private shown only if user is on the list)
Who’s hosting
What’s the game/game mix
[what else?]
can add comment to table about the game time,
but table is always up.
If current user’s
Table details (shown if table is selected?)
Who is playing
Observers and waiting list – will require
addl’ screen design
[what else?]
Buddies currently logged in [later…]
Personal private table list [later…]
Personal favorite table list [later…]
Currently logged-in name (if logged in)
Currently logged-in account balance (if logged in)
play and real money/bonus,
and frequent player points
real money = TNChips=dollars. Use current exchange rate to cash in - Cashiers
page needs approx value in local before cashing out.
Post-login messages?
can add pop-up window for alerts, mess.of day,
also need space to run news and promotions.
Actions supported (functions)
Community functions TBD
Table list navigation
Choose game/table type to view (see list above)
Choose and pop individual table
(If table is user’s, this will activate table if it wasn’t already)
Choose and pop private table by entering table name [later] – now: list games explicitly for which user is on invite list, as
part of regular navigation (shown first?)
Pop cashier interaction
Pop help (for now can be same as game play screen help)
Pop user preferences interaction
Pop create/manage private tables
Exit program
Flag and confirm exit individual tables if table windows are open
Close other open windows
Make noise (“audio logo”)
[what are additional info/functions to
support tourneys?]
in same list?, different window? –
sit-and-go in same list, other’s elsewhere (more design needed)
types: house tourney - scheduled
and announced; house tourney - single table sit-and-go always available on
demand; private “critical mass” tourney on-demand multi-table TBD (to be
designed) seating in time window – no preset number of players or registration
– more discussion needed.
Table Play Screen
Info displayed (states)
do some more benchmarking for
bet placement and community cards in table layout
For current player:
Chips in current table (always visible)
Number on placard – current bet shown as
animated stack
Cards in current hand (always visible)
Which are making up hand (at end of game)
Are they visible to other players?
Wild cards (if appropriate)
Selected to pass or discard (if appropriate)
Hand history (on demand, in chat transcript)
Chat bubble (on demand, in transcript)
Possible left/right pass (as needed)
Seat location (always visible)
For all players:
Chips in current table (always visible)
Number on placard – current bet shown as
animated stack
Cards in current round (always visible)
Number of cards/backs
Showing cards (if appropriate for game)
Wild cards (if appropriate)
Chat bubble (as needed)
Seat location (always visible)
Last action
Kill indicator [later]
For Table: (all visible)
Dealer’s position
Table name
Current pot
Graphic, with actual chip representation
Bet size/Limit
Table cards (if appropriate)
Wild cards (if appropriate)
Seated players
Show empty seats
Who’s turn
kill indicator [later]
waiting list
For control area (all visible, most via widget)
Is auto-muck on? chris sez - always on.
Is auto-ante on?
have pop-up window pushing auto-ante if user
Are any of the “this round/advance” controls on?
Is user sitting out this round?
Will they sit out at the beginning of the next round?
Chat transcript (scroll)
Which types of chat are being shown [which chat selections are on?]
transcript should be click-and-scrollable,
copy-and-paste-able, via windows controls - ^a^c
Tournament flag (if appropriate) –
other tourney info will also be needed, may not
be in control area
Reused widgets
Denomination by number and/or color
Use standard color scheme
Number and suit, plus as noted
Four color suit [future]
Branding on Ace of Spades
Suicide kings, one-eyed jacks, scepter king/queen
Actions supported (functions)
Select seat and sit down
Rotate table so user’s seat is in lower
right [later]
[I would prefer to set via preferences]
Enter text
Select text to show
Status summary, status detail, player chat
[toggles, not radio buttons
[what else? – maybe observer chat ]
[future – I would like to see the minimized
table window be this chat box, with a flash/noise enabled for critical status
messages] mark sez – news/sports feed
Emoticon (poker-face) Chat [decide which
Pop Lobby screen [no, use windows navigation]
Leave seat [can’t be toggle with sit down]
Minimize table [later, for multiple table play]
Join/leave waiting list for table
[amy will do further design to
accommodate waiting lists ]
Adjust user settings
[will require another screen and further design]
Add a player to buddy list [later]
Add more chips to current pile (if no tourney)
Choose how many
If no chips available in account, or
amount is under the minimum buy-in, option to pop cashier window
If play money, option to just ask for more
Sit out hand
Fold in turn and sit out [widget discussion]
Sit out at beginning of next hand
Which game next hand (if dealer’s choice on a hosted table)
Access Help
Hints always on
Widget-hover [?]
Searchable [?]
[This should pop a browser…]
Play functions [grayed out if not available]
Perpetual [select/deselect]
Auto muck always on, not visible
Auto ante
How much? [Is the slider fast enough?]
[others to be added as per game] [future discussions]
This round [select/deselect]
How much? [currently, slider widget shared with Immediate]
[others to be added as per game – specifics
should be further discussed]
End of hand [popup/bubble]
Show hand
Beginning of hand
[popup/bubble or automatic or both?]
Amy will do a tentative waiting list design,
pending input
Table Setup/Manage/Invite Screen
Info displayed (states)
List of available saved tables
For current table (if one is already selected, or being built)
Tournament/ring [for now only ring is allowed]
Buy in/Minimum bet
Blinds (if appropriate)
Structured/Pot Limit/No limit
[amount linked to bet size]
Game comment (“the game is at 9
on Sunday”)
Game type or types
game description…
Five card
Seven card
If private:
Players on the list
By login/alias
By email – external to the system [further
design for viral marketing]
By buddy-list named subgroup [later]
Actions supported (functions)
Name new table
Select existing table from list
For current table, set all info listed above
Select limit from list
Select game type(s) from list
Specify custom combinations
Enter players to invite
By username
By email – external to the system [further design for viral marketing]
via buddy list [later]
Scroll/manage existing players list
Enter one-line game comment
If private, send invites
Enter text for invite, or web
form to create invite – further design
Save current table
Delete current table
Cashier Screen
Info displayed (visible unless noted)
Real Money [chips=dollars,
exchange on cash-out]
In play
Play money
In play
Pending Cash Bonus
Last deposit
Frequent Player Points
[earning rate adjusting per
conditions, etc.
[cash in for t-shirts and frisbees]
[tables to play for points - future]
Last deposit
Transaction Record/history (on demand)
Personal info [privacy note]
User ID/Table alias
Name & address
Including space for country
Including country
Buddy list [future, on demand]
Loan status [future?]
“I am 21” checkbox
[on account creation]
Add money to account/buy chips
Take money out of account/cash in chips
Exchange rate if necessary
Cash in Frequent player Points
Go to “shopping.teamnuts.com”
Manage personal info (see all above)
Exit cashier screen – close window (other windows are left open when
cashier screen is opened)
Tournament Screen(s) - additional functionality
Tournament lobby
scheduled tournaments –
sit-and-go’s are different
(this is on a webserver)
Tournament type
Limit/no limit
What game(s)
Date and start-time/elapsed time
Players currently registered
If game play, also their current standing or point of elimination
Entry fee etc.
Entry conditions (hours played,
previous wins, etc.)
Free entries, etc.
[more design discussions]…
Prize pool/structure
Tournament state
(registration/seating/game play/finished)
During play:
Registration state (open/closed/rebuys available, etc.)
Time and duration of the next break
The current level (and blind amount)
Amount of time to next level (and that level’s blind
The size of the largest, smallest and average chip
stack in the tournament
List of finishers in order they finished, money won
List of tables (once registration is over)
During seating
player of seat
Pop table
window automatically
During registration
Put up
money (can be refunded)
dialog - do you realize this will cost money?)
play – [at the table]
is always on (even if you log off)
moved among tables
Rebuys and
add-ons (more chips) [future?]
Can’t sit
out game [fold for bathroom break]
What else?